Ronald Brak

Because not everyone can be normal.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Today an internet comedian suggested people with rootop solar should be charged $40 a day in the interests of "fairness".  That was a pretty good joke considering that Australians at the moment have the electricity they supply to the grid simply stolen from them and recieve a zero cents for each kilowatt-hour they supply.  Besides outright theft we should just add random charges as well.  That's fair.  Apparently the comedian is a  member of the first church of Jesus Coal and believes the more coal we burn the sooner we'll all be able to lie down with the sooty lamb of the lord, and, I dunno, hack black phlem over it from our diseased lungs or something.  Anyway, for him (and it's almost always a him) I reproduced this little ditty based on Bad Moon Rising:

Grid Defection Rising
- by Creedence Clearwater Revival not

I smell a diesel gen-set runnin',
I see grid defection on the way,
Power'n refrigeration 'n lighting,
It's cheaper than on the grid to stay,

Rip the cord tonight,
For gen-set provided light,
There's grid defection on the rise.

They want to take your forty dollars,
Not each month but every day,
Cheaper to use gosh-darn diesel,
Who'd be stupid enough to pay?

Rip the cord tonight,
For gen-set provided light,
There's grid defection on the rise.


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